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From Sun Warrior –


Coconut oil has a bit of a craze surrounding it lately. People have put together hundreds of different uses for this beneficial oil and it’s found its way into pantries, medicine cupboards, and even first aid kits. Some of the uses may seem bizarre at first, but coconut oil has garnered this newfound fame for good reason. It works.

For years, coconut oil has had a bad name, lumped in with unhealthy saturated fats. People steered away from it and other high fat foods. The problem with throwing coconut oil in the same category as butter, margarine, and shortening is this oil is far healthier than it appears. The saturated fats in coconut oil come from medium chain triglycerides. These shorter fat chains are easily put to use by the body and are not simply stored away as fat.

This means coconut oil boosts energy levels, raises good cholesterol, and balances out blood sugar without the weight gain, cholesterol, and other health risks that come from other saturated or trans fats. Coconut oil doesn’t stop there. It’s antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antiviral. It also aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. These immune boosting properties make it the perfect oil to use in a million ways. Here are 50 of our favorites.

  1. Massage Oil – Coconut oil soothes tired and sore muscles. Add a few drops of essential oils for more effect.
  2. Athletes Foot – The powerful antifungal properties of coconut oil make it perfect for any fungal infection. Add a few drops of oregano or tea tree oil for more antifungal power.
  3. Acne – Coconut oil gently fights the bacteria that cause acne. Dab it directly on the offending pimples and watch them shrink.
  4. Cleanser – Coconut oil makes an effective and gentle cleanser to remove the grime of the day.
  5. Lice – Coconut oil kills and removes this pesky problem.
  6. Stretch Marks – Prevent and soften stretch marks from pregnancy with coconut oil for soft and supple skin.
  7. Warts and Moles – Rub oil into area and cover with a bandage. Rub in fresh oil and place a new bandage each day.
  8. Moisturizer – Coconut oil is an excellent way to soften and hydrate dry, rough, or damaged skin.
  9. Face Scrub – Mix coconut oil with baking soda, sugar, or cinnamon and oatmeal for the perfect face scrub and exfoliator.
  10. Dandruff – Massage coconut oil into the scalp to ease symptoms of dandruff, both itching and flaking.
  11. Curb Appetite – Take a spoonful before meals to curb appetite so you don’t overeat.
  12. Wrinkles – Rub into lines, creases, and wrinkles to rehydrate skin and soften those wrinkles away.
  13. Sore Throat – Dissolve a spoonful in your mouth and let it slowly roll down the throat. This will coat and protect the throat, boost the health of mucus membranes, and fight any infection.
  14. Ring Worm – Rub coconut oil onto affected area to kill the fungus that causes unsightly ringworm. Add tea tree oil to clear the infection even faster.
  15. Lip Balm – Coconut oil hydrates and protects lips. Coconut even offers some protection from the sun, about an SPF 4.
  16. Cold Sore – Coconut oil has antiviral properties that will help the body get rid of the virus that causes cold sores. Rub it on when needed and add a drop of oregano oil to speed healing.
  17. Lubricant – Coconut makes an all-natural personal lubricant for intimate moments without chemicals.
  18. Gum Removal – Coconut oil gets the sticky stuff out of hair, carpet, and anywhere else it doesn’t belong.
  19. Pet Health – Coconut oil can do a multitude of things for pets, both topically and internally. It improves breath, makes for a shiny coat, eases joint problems, cleans ears, gets rid of fleas, and much more.
  20. Stys/Pink Eye – Rub a small amount of coconut oil on the sty or around the eyes to get rid of these painful and annoying infections quickly.
  21. Earaches – Earaches, swimmer’s ear, and ear infections clear up fast with a few drops of coconut oil mixed with garlic oil.
  22. Cradle Cap – Coconut oil is gentle and safe for infants and helps ease the itching, pain, redness, and flaking associated with cradle cap.
  23. Diaper Rash – Coconut oil can help heal mild diaper rash gently and effectively.
  24. Bruises – Rub coconut oil into bruised skin to speed healing and watch the bruises fade fast.
  25. Age Spots – Coconut oil has beneficial effects on any skin blemish. Use it to help fade age spots with powerful antioxidants.
  26. Shaving Cream – Coconut oil keeps the razor gliding smoothly while leaving skin smooth and soft.
  27. After Shave – Don’t want unpleasant bumps and rashes after shaving? Coconut oil soothes sensitive skin and promotes healing.
  28. Toothpaste – Mix 1 part coconut oil with 1 part baking soda and add a couple drops of peppermint oil. This makes a refreshing, natural toothpaste that whitens and cleans without added preservatives, fluoride, sweeteners, or other chemicals.
  29. Chicken Pox – Ease the itch and encourage healing with dabs of coconut oil. It also works on poison ivy, poison oak, mosquito bites, and other insect stings or bites.
  30. Yeast Infections – Coconut oil fights these fungal infections internally and externally.
  31. Makeup Remover – Coconut oil removes oil-based makeup easily, like mascara. It cleans, hydrates, and makes skin glow.
  32. Conditioner – Coconut oil conditions, strengthens, and repairs hair. Massage it in and rinse it out after ten minutes. A small amount can be rubbed in to dry hair to tame frizz.
  33. Polish Furniture – Coconut oil gives a protective shine to wood furniture. Just make sure you test it out on a small area to make sure you like the outcome.
  34. Energy – Coconut oil and its medium chain triglycerides make it an excellent energy source to improve stamina, endurance, or just to give you a boost through the day.
  35. Deodorant – Mix coconut oil with cornstarch, baking soda, and your favorite essential oils for a natural deodorant that smells fantastic.
  36. Eye Cream – Reduce puffiness and dark circles with a few dabs of coconut oil.
  37. Eczema – Coconut oil reduces the itchiness, pain, flakiness, and dryness of eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
  38. Sunburn – Coconut oil can help prevent sunburn for short exposures. When you burn, it will also speed healing and take some of the sting away. Make sure you wait until all the heat has dissipated before applying it or you trap the heat in. Wait 24 to 72 hours depending on the extent of the burn.
  39. Hemorrhoids – Coconut oil eases the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids and encourages natural healing both internally and externally.
  40. Nose Bleeds – Rub a bit of coconut oil in nostrils to fight the dry cracking that can lead to nose bleeds and pain.
  41. Canker Sores – Dab coconut oil on canker sores to kill infection and speed up healing. Coconut oil is also a far tastier way to treat canker sores than most other methods.
  42. Toothaches – Coconut oil eases the pain and strengthens teeth. You can mix it with a drop of clove oil to almost instantly relieve pain.
  43. Acid Reflux – Take a small spoonful with meals to keep acid reflux and heartburn at bay.
  44. Urinary Tract – Treat urinary tract infections with a spoonful of coconut oil. It may even ease the painful passing of kidney stones.
  45. Nursing – Coconut oil works great to repair dry, cracked skin, including sore nipples from nursing.
  46. Alzheimer’s – Some research points to coconut oil as a way to slow the progression of or prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  47. Bones – Coconut oil aids the body in the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Both minerals are important for strong bones and teeth.
  48. Epilepsy – Coconut oil may reduce the incidence and intensity of epileptic seizures.
  49. Fitness – Coconut oil boosts energy, increases metabolism, improves thyroid function, and aids healthy weight loss. It is the perfect addition to any workout or fitness regimen. Sunwarrior’s Warrior Blend includes medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil specifically to raise energy levels and increase stamina during workouts and speed recovery and healing after any exercise.
  50. Cooking – Coconut oil doesn’t form harmful by-products when heated like most other oils and animal fats. Use it to replace butter, cup for cup in recipes. Sauté, cook, bake, broil, braise, and more using coconut oil as a healthier alternative.

These are just the beginning of what coconut oil can be used for.

Wake Up Energized and Happy With Water

by Pete Cerqua at

Looking to feel happy and alert in the morning and all day long? Grabbing that cup of coffee or your favorite caffeinated beverage is actually having the opposite effect in both sustained energy and hydration. Many people think that they can drink soda, coffee, or juice instead of water and get the same level of hydration. This is simply not true. You need a true fuel, water.

Tired? Cranky? Hungry? Stressed? Drink Water!

Brain Boost
The brain, a vital organ, is approximately 85 percent water. Brain function depends on having abundant access to water. When your brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, you will be able to think faster, be more focused, and experience greater clarity and creativity. Your brain does not have the ability to store water. When your body loses more water than you are replacing, dehydration will set in and brain function will be affected.

Moody Blues
Now, research from the University of Connecticut have found that keeping the brain completely hydrated is critical for its happy performance. In a crossover study, researchers documented the subjects’ moods and their cognitive function during and after exercise. The authors report that there were negative affects to vigor, fatigue, and mood after only mild dehydration, which equaled a 1.36 percent drop in body mass from water loss. A 2 percent drop in body mass from water loss is the “red flag” for full-blown dehydration.

Ever feel like this?
Some of the other mental symptoms of dehydration include brain fog, afternoon fatigue, focus issues, depression, anger, emotional instability, exhaustion, headaches, sleep issues, stress, and a lack of mental clarity. For the first time, this study shows that mood and concentration can be negatively impacted by a nearly insensible water loss. Simply drinking adequate amounts of water may help maintain mood and fight fatigue.

Get A Glass Now
According to the Mayo Clinic, the average adult loses more than 80 ounces of water every day through sweating, breathing, and eliminating wastes. So be sure to keep yourself fully hydrated and functioning. Give yourself that extra glass of water when you are feeling a bit sluggish or even a little blue too. Keeping a glass handy may be all it takes to keep mood and concentration up. Leaving you feeling at your best and ready to take on the day.



Pure Synergy is the most comprehensive and trusted green superfood in the world–the standard by which all others are measured. Rediscover feeling healthy, vital, and energetic again—the palpable effect of this truly potent and unmatched organic superfood.

In use for over 35 years, Pure Synergy is our original and extensively researched flagship formula–blending 60 of nature’s most life-giving and nutrient-rich organic whole food and botanical concentrates into a “wellness food” of perfect nutritional potency. Created to help you restore and regenerate your core foundation of wellness, Pure Synergy is the perfect bridge for the many nutritional gaps we all experience in our modern-day diets. Hundreds of health-supporting phytonutrients—found exclusively in Pure Synergy’s fruits, sprouts, grasses, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, sea plants, and herbs—all unite to produce a rare “synergy” that helps rebuild your vitality, mental clarity, and optimal well-being.

Unrivaled Blend of 60 Certified Organic Superfoods

The extraordinary quality of Pure Synergy begins with our hand-selected organic seeds and continues all the way through to its delivery to you. We make Pure Synergy ourselves, to our exacting specifications, at our very own wind-powered, award-winning facility so that we can guarantee its unparalleled purity and potency. Sustainably grown and harvested when its health supporting nutrients are at their peak, every ingredient contributes in a special way to Pure Synergy’s perfectly balanced, full-spectrum formula.

  • Organic Aquatic Greens
  • Organic Grass Juices and Vegetable Powders
  • Organic Freeze-Dried Sprouts
  • Organic Freeze-Dried Fruits
  • Organic Asian Mushrooms
  • Organic Herbal Extracts and Botanicals

Pure Synergy is for You

Pure Synergy has been in continual use for over 35 years and is the most respected and clinically used green superfood in the world. Helping tens of thousands of people just like you, Pure Synergy is the perfect supplement for people of all ages who desire nutrition of the highest quality in order to support, enhance, and help maintain one’s health now and into the future. It is used daily by career professionals, homemakers, sports and outdoor enthusiasts, students, seniors and countless others. Pure Synergy provides valuable support to people wishing to cultivate vitality and optimal health, as well as to those experiencing a diminished sense of well-being, whether from the effects of a stressful lifestyle, health concerns, day to day pressures, or less than ideal dietary habits. Mitchell created this special formula to provide deep nourishment and life energy—and it does!

Advantages of Pure Synergy

Your body is confronted daily by an enormous amount of stress—physical, mental, and emotional as well as a host of environmental toxins.

Pure Synergy creates a core foundation of wellness—amplifying your body’s natural detoxification process and encouraging deep, replenishing cellular renewal—so that you can better handle what life throws your way.


You are unique! Each of us has a personal blueprint with very different wellness needs and health challenges.

Pure Synergy’s intelligent design and far-reaching range of ingredients allow it to work universally, at a multiplicity of levels, to support your body’s unique personal requirements for sustainable good health.


Many “green superfoods” use water-downed ingredients, fillers and additives—trading quality for cost-savings.

Pure Synergy is just that, completely pure, with no fillers, GMOs, maltodextrin, fibers, artificial sweeteners, colorings, flavorings, additives, or preservatives of any kind whatsoever—just 100% pure and potent certified organic whole-food concentrates.

Our modern-day diets suffer from deep nutritional deficits due to the highly processed and industrialized nature of our foods.

Pure Synergy effectively bridges the many nutritional gaps we all experience to provide enhanced vitality, mental clarity, and that renewed sense of being truly alive and whole again!

Benefits of Pure Synergy

  • Provides sustained, vibrant energy
  • Fosters mental clarity and focus
  • Provides essential support for healthy aging
  • Assists purifying detoxification and cleansing
  • Bridges nutritional gaps in diet
  • Strengthens healthy immune response
  • Improves tolerance to stress
  • Boosts athletic endurance and recovery

The Pure Synergy Quality Difference

  • Pure Synergy’s unsurpassable formula has been refined and perfected during 30 years of clinical research and use.
  • Pure Synergy is produced in our own award-winning, wind-powered FDA-registered production facility.
  • Pure Synergy ingredients are carefully dried using unique cold-temperature technologies that naturally protect and preserve the vitality of the valuable nutrients, enzymes, and other compounds in all our greens, herbs, algae, sprouts, mushrooms, and berries.
  • Pure Synergy offers a wider variety of algae and sea vegetables than any other superfood formula and provides you the broadest spectrum of health-enhancing aquatic compounds available.
  • Pure Synergy offers an abundance of Western herbs and Asian herbs and mushrooms, carefully formulated to maintain the energetic balance of Pure Synergy while contributing optimal tonic benefits.
  • Pure Synergy contains blueberries, raspberries, papaya, and whole apple—some of the richest sources of potent antioxidant phytonutrients, such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanins, quercetin, and ellagic and phenolic acids.
  • Pure Synergy contains 100% grass juices — no whole grasses or grass fiber. This eliminates the nutritionally empty fillers commonly found in other superfood formulas while providing all the vibrant enzymes and nutrients of purifying greens in their most digestible and easily assimilated form.
  • Pure Synergy does not contain any maltodextrin, rice bran, flax meal, barley malt, lecithin or other inexpensive fillers.
  • Pure Synergy ingredients are subjected to over 600 quality control tests to verify their purity and potency.
  • Pure Synergy is vacuum-packed in amber glass. Unique, state-of-the-art Ultra Fresh Packaging™ ensures unprecedented protection for all the valuable phytonutrients in Pure Synergy.

Certified Kosher

Manufactured by The Synergy Company™

Available here –


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