(3/15/11)  Protection From Radiation

So far what has been released from the Fukushima reactor was radioactive cesium. Trace amounts of radioactive iodine were found very close to the reactor itself but for the moment, the issue is cesium, not iodine. Cesium is very different from iodine. It explodes on contact with moisture. So, the first preventative measure, in the event of fallout, is to stay indoors and the second is to wear a wet facemask when going out.

The problem is that radioactive cesium is treated by the body as if it were potassium rather than iodine so it accumulates in the muscles and reproductive system and later moves into the liver and kidneys and from thence to all parts of the body.
However, the logic for blocking cesium uptake is basically the same as for radioactive iodine. Fill the body’s need for potassium so that cesium is rejected. Or, if it is taken up, it can be ejected by providing the body with high quality potassium.

A potassium deficiency would tend to make one more receptive to radioactive hazards posed by cesium. The first step is therefore to correct any deficiencies by ingesting adequate amounts of potassium. Early warning signs of potassium deficiency would include dry skin and some muscle weakness. Since potassium is abundant, deficiencies are usually caused by fluid loss, such as excessive use of diuretics. Potassium regulation is affected by magnesium; one early warning symptom of magnesium deficiency is muscle spasms. High on the list of recommended magnesium rich foods are sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, leafy green vegetables and black beans.

The real issue, however, is maverick electrons. This is what sets off the chain reactions that lead to tissue damage and degeneration. So, we need radioprotective foods and supplements such as: kelp, ginseng, ashwaganda (recently found to regrow nerves), chlorella, zeolites, fulvic acid, nascent iodine, reishi mushroom, chyawanprash, sea salt (also salty miso), botanical (plant-derived) vitamin C such as Pure Radiance C, magnesium (chlorophyll), selenium (brazil nuts), the tonic Pacifi Ka, and coconut butter.

For those who are looking for parallels between Fukushima and Chernobyl, it will behoove us to note that the million or so deaths attributed to the Chernobyl disaster were mostly due to prolonged exposure, over many years, to cesium. The very first deaths were due to radioactive iodine but cesium made its way into the soil where it was taken up by plants and later the animals that foraged on the plants.

Lastly, the only ingredient that runs out Radiation that has already been impregnated into the body is Vitamin B3 = Niacin = Nicotinic Acid. Those of you who have taken Niacin have experienced the “Flush” that goes along with taking it. That flush was Radiation running out of the body, and can not only be an old Sunburn turning on and blowing, but can also be doses of Radiation you received in the past blowing out of your body.  There is a protocol called the Purification Rundown that is the best for terminatedly handling higher levels of Radiation already received, but this should only be done under full supervision by those qualified to deliver this rundown.  During this rundown which can take up to a month to complete, one can safely take up to 5,000 Mg of Niacin.  Doing this in your own home, the maximum level should not be more than 500 Mg taken twice a day as Niacin can turn on a full blown detox.

(Information courtesy of Ingrid Naiman and Doc Shillington)
