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Six Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition

Six Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration.  Without the flame-like process of continual cell turnover within the body – life and death ceaselessly intertwined – the miracle of the human body would not exist.

In times of illness, however, regenerative processes are overcome by degenerative ones. This is where medicine may perform its most noble feat, nudging the body back into balance with foods, herbs, nutrients, healing energies, i.e. healing intention. Today, however, drug-based medicine invariably uses chemicals that have not one iota of regenerative potential; to the contrary, they almost always interfere with bodily self-renewal in order to suppress the symptoms against which they are applied.

Despite the outright heretical nature of things which stimulate healing and regeneration vis-à-vis the conventional medical system which frowns upon, or is incredulous towards, spontaneous remission in favor of symptom suppression and disease management, over the course of the past few years of trolling MEDLINE we have collected a series of remarkable studies on the topic…

Nerve Regeneration – There are actually a broad range of natural compounds with proven nerve-regenerative effects. A 2010 study published in the journal Rejuvenation Research, for instance, found a combination of blueberry, green tea and carnosine have neuritogenic (i.e. promoting neuronal regeneration) and stem-cell regenerative effects in an animal model of neurodegenerative disease.

[1] Other researched neuritogenic substances include:

  1. Curcumin
  2. Lion’s Mane Mushroom
  3. Apigenin (compound in vegetables like celery)
  4. Blueberry
  5. Ginseng
  6. Huperzine
  7. Natto
  8. Red Sage
  9. Resveratrol
  10. Royal Jelly
  11. Theanine
  12. Ashwaganda
  13. Coffee (trigonelline)

There is another class of nerve-healing substances, known as remyelinating compounds, which stimulate the repair of the protective sheath around the axon of the neurons known as myelin, and which is often damaged in neurological injury and/or dysfunction, especially autoimmune and vaccine-induced demyelination disorders.  It should also be noted that even music and falling in love have been studied for possibly stimulating neurogenesis, regeneration and/or repair of neurons, indicating that regenerative medicine does not necessary require the ingestion of anything; rather, a wide range of therapeutic actions may be employed to improve health and well-being, as well.

[View the first-hand biomedical citations on these neuritogenic substance visit our Neuritogenic Research page on the topic]

Liver Regeneration – Glycyrrhizin, a compound found within licorice, and which we recently featured as a powerful anti-SARS virus agent, has also been found to stimulate the regeneration of liver mass and function in the animal model of hepatectomy. Other liver regenerative substances include:

  1. Carvacrol (a volatile compound in oregano)
  2. Curcumin
  3. Korean Ginseng
  4. Rooibos
  5. Vitamin E

[view the first-hand biomedical citations on the Liver Regeneration research page]

Beta-Cell Regeneration – Unfortunately, the medical community has yet to harness the diabetes-reversing potential of natural compounds. Whereas expensive stem cell therapies, islet cell transplants, and an array of synthetic drugs in the developmental pipeline are the focus of billions of dollars of research, annually, our kitchen cupboards and backyards may already contain the long sought-after cure for type 1 diabetes. The following compounds have been demonstrated experimentally to regenerate the insulin-producing beta cells, which are destroyed in insulin dependent diabetes, and which once restored, may (at least in theory) restore the health of the patient to the point where they no longer require insulin replacement.

  1. Gymenna Sylvestre (“the sugar destroyer”)
  2. Nigella Sativa (“black cumin”)
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Curcumin (from the spice Turmeric)
  5. Arginine
  6. Avocado
  7. Berberine (found in bitter herbs such as Goldenseal and Barberry)
  8. Bitter Melon
  9. Chard (yes, the green leafy vegetables)
  10. Corn Silk
  11. Stevia
  12. Sulforaphane (especially concentrated in broccoli sprouts)

[view the first-hand biomedical citations on the Beta Cell Regeneration research page]

Hormone Regeneration – there are secretagogues, which increase the endocrine glands’ ability to secrete more hormone, and there are substances that truly regenerate hormones which have degraded (by emitting electrons) into potentially carcinogenic “transient hormone” metabolites. One of these substances is vitamin C. A powerful electron donor, this vitamin has the ability to contribute electrons to resurrect the form and function of estradiol (estrogen; E2), progesterone, testosterone, for instance. [2] In tandem with foods that are able to support the function of glands, such as the ovaries, vitamin C may represent an excellent complement or alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

Cardiac Cell Regeneration – Not too long ago, it was believed that cardiac tissue was uniquely incapable of being regenerated. A new, but rapidly growing body of experimental research now indicates that this is simply not true, and there is a class of heart-tissue regenerating compounds known as neocardiogenic substances.  Neocardiogenic substances are able to stimulate the formation of cardiac progenitor cells which can differentiate into healthy heart tissue, and they include the following:

  1. Resveratrol
  2. Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero)
  3. Red Wine Extract
  4. Geum Japonicum
  5. N-acetyl-cysteine

Another remarkable example of cardiac cell regeneration is through what is known as fetomaternal trafficking of stem cells through the placenta. In a recent article we discussed the amazing process known as “fetal microchimerism” by which the fetus contributes stem cells to the mother which are capable of regenerating her damaged heart cells, and possibly a wide range of other cell types.

Cartilage/Joint/Spine Regeneration – Curcumin and resveratrol have been shown to improve recovery from spinal cord injury.  Over a dozen other natural compounds hold promise in this area, which can be viewed on our Spinal Cord Injury page.  As far as degenerative joint disease, i.e. osteoarthritis, there are a broad range of potentially regenerative substances, with 50 listed on our osteoarthritis research page.

Ultimately, regenerative medicine threatens to undermine the very economic infrastructure that props up the modern, drug-based and quite candidly degenerative medical system. Symptom suppression is profitable because it guarantees both the perpetuation of the original underlying disease, and the generation of an ever-expanding array of additional, treatment-induced symptoms.

This is the non-sustainable, infinite growth model which shares features characteristic of the process of cancer itself – a model, which by its very nature, is doomed to fail and eventually collapse. Cultivating diets, lifestyles and attitudes conducive to bodily regeneration can interrupt this pathological circuit, and help us to attain the bodily freedom that is a precondition for the liberation of the human soul and spirit, as well.

Article Sources

[1] NT-020, a natural therapeutic approach to optimize spatial memory performance and increase neural progenitor cell proliferation and decrease inflammation in the aged rat. Rejuvenation Res. 2010 Jun 29. Epub 2010 Jun 29. PMID: 20586644

[2] Photo-induced regeneration of hormones by electron transfer processes: Potential biological and medical consequences. Radiat Phys Chem Oxf Engl 1993. Updated 2011 Aug ;80(8):890-894. PMID: 21814301

About the Author

Sayer Ji is the founder and chair of His writings and research has been published in the Wellbeing Journal, the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity, and have been featured on Reuters,,,,, His critically acclaimed essay series The Dark Side of Wheat opens up a new perspective on the universal, human-species specific toxicity of wheat, and is now available for PDF download.

Health Secrets of a Chinese Scholar  (from

I thought I would share some longevity secrets from a man who truly lived a long life.

His name was Professor Li Chung Yun, a renowned Chinese scholar and herbalist who was born in 1677 and died in 1933.

Professor Li Chung Yun was a world-famous scholar and was in the public eye for over 200 years. When he was as the age of 71 he joined the Chinese army to teach martial arts as a tactical advisor. At the age of 100, he was awarded by the Chinese government a special Honor Citation for extraordinary services to the country. For 150 years after that award, the Professor was visited by countless Western scholars and students. It is reported that he gave a series of 28 lectures at the University of Sinkiang when he was over 200 years old. He enjoyed excellent health and outlived 23 wives. Reports from people who saw him at age 200 claimed he looked no older than a man in his 50’s. He retained his natural teeth and hair right up to his death.

How Did He Live So Long?

Professor Li Chung Yun attributed his longevity to a lifelong vegetarian diet, and the regular use of age-retarding herbs, ginseng and gotu kola plus “inner calm”. One of his disciples, Da Lui, reports that the professor also attributed his longevity to a strict discipline of special exercises he performed every day.

Ginseng and Gotu Kola

Ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for over 5000 years. The Chinese claim it has miraculous properties. We do know that ginseng can give support to the heart, revitalize the nervous system, increase hormone production and stimulate cell growth and activity.

Gotu Kola is also a rejuvenator. It helps keep endocrine and sex glands in peak working condition far into advanced age. It also has an energizing efffect on nerve and brain functions and helps keep blood free from age-causing toxins.

Well there you have it. A healthy diet, good state of mind and daily exercise is the magic formula for a long life. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to buy a couple of herbs…..

Best Regards,


(3/15/11)  Protection From Radiation

So far what has been released from the Fukushima reactor was radioactive cesium. Trace amounts of radioactive iodine were found very close to the reactor itself but for the moment, the issue is cesium, not iodine. Cesium is very different from iodine. It explodes on contact with moisture. So, the first preventative measure, in the event of fallout, is to stay indoors and the second is to wear a wet facemask when going out.

The problem is that radioactive cesium is treated by the body as if it were potassium rather than iodine so it accumulates in the muscles and reproductive system and later moves into the liver and kidneys and from thence to all parts of the body.
However, the logic for blocking cesium uptake is basically the same as for radioactive iodine. Fill the body’s need for potassium so that cesium is rejected. Or, if it is taken up, it can be ejected by providing the body with high quality potassium.

A potassium deficiency would tend to make one more receptive to radioactive hazards posed by cesium. The first step is therefore to correct any deficiencies by ingesting adequate amounts of potassium. Early warning signs of potassium deficiency would include dry skin and some muscle weakness. Since potassium is abundant, deficiencies are usually caused by fluid loss, such as excessive use of diuretics. Potassium regulation is affected by magnesium; one early warning symptom of magnesium deficiency is muscle spasms. High on the list of recommended magnesium rich foods are sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, leafy green vegetables and black beans.

The real issue, however, is maverick electrons. This is what sets off the chain reactions that lead to tissue damage and degeneration. So, we need radioprotective foods and supplements such as: kelp, ginseng, ashwaganda (recently found to regrow nerves), chlorella, zeolites, fulvic acid, nascent iodine, reishi mushroom, chyawanprash, sea salt (also salty miso), botanical (plant-derived) vitamin C such as Pure Radiance C, magnesium (chlorophyll), selenium (brazil nuts), the tonic Pacifi Ka, and coconut butter.

For those who are looking for parallels between Fukushima and Chernobyl, it will behoove us to note that the million or so deaths attributed to the Chernobyl disaster were mostly due to prolonged exposure, over many years, to cesium. The very first deaths were due to radioactive iodine but cesium made its way into the soil where it was taken up by plants and later the animals that foraged on the plants.

Lastly, the only ingredient that runs out Radiation that has already been impregnated into the body is Vitamin B3 = Niacin = Nicotinic Acid. Those of you who have taken Niacin have experienced the “Flush” that goes along with taking it. That flush was Radiation running out of the body, and can not only be an old Sunburn turning on and blowing, but can also be doses of Radiation you received in the past blowing out of your body.  There is a protocol called the Purification Rundown that is the best for terminatedly handling higher levels of Radiation already received, but this should only be done under full supervision by those qualified to deliver this rundown.  During this rundown which can take up to a month to complete, one can safely take up to 5,000 Mg of Niacin.  Doing this in your own home, the maximum level should not be more than 500 Mg taken twice a day as Niacin can turn on a full blown detox.

(Information courtesy of Ingrid Naiman and Doc Shillington)


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